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1 Welcome
- The primary focus of this wiki is helping Scouts in Dallas-Fort Worth find places to enjoy the outdoors. But everyone is welcome to use and contribute to the wiki.
- This site is set up as a wiki because groups know more than individuals, and because many hands make light work.
- To search a single page, use Ctrl-F. To search the entire wiki, use the Search box in the top right corner of the page.
- If you do not yet see enough content to meet your needs, then please come back in a few months. Or you can Help Build the Wiki by contributing content.
2 Main Camping Pages
- Quality Overnight Camping within 2 Hours of DFW. More than forty overnight camping destinations located within a reasonable driving distance of Dallas-Fort Worth.
- Summer Camp. Council summer camps located within 3 hours of Dallas-Fort Worth, plus a few others that might justify a longer drive.
- High Adventure. More than two dozen DIY high adventure options, plus links to staffed high adventure programs at the council and national levels.
- Every Destination on the Wiki is collected on this one page, grouped geographically.
- Picking Destinations. Five concepts about campsites and activities that can help in developing a more enjoyable program.
3 Destinations Sorted by Activity
3.1 Overnight Camping - for day trips, see the page that lists Every Destination on the Wiki.
- Car Camping. Places where you can drive your car into camp and just pull your gear out of the trunk.
- Backpacking. Places where you can backpack into your campsite with all your gear on your back.
3.2 Land Activities
- Foot Trails. Nature and hiking trails, both long and short, both naturally surfaced and paved. Also some good places for a city hike.
- Bike Trails. Mountain biking trails, "rails to trails" trailways, and paved bike paths.
- Horse Trails and Equestrian Programs. Equestrian trails and Scout camps that offer an equestrian program.
- Orienteering. Orienteering courses and meets.
- COPE Courses and Climbing. COPE courses, artificial climbing surfaces at climbing gyms and Scout camps, and places to go rock climbing.
- Caves. Caves that are open to the public.
3.3 Aquatic Activities
- Swimming on Campouts. Places to go swimming while camping.
- Paddling Trips. Places to go canoeing, kayaking, and rafting.
- Sailing and Motorboating. Scout camps where sailing and motorboating are available.
4 Destinations Sorted by Location
- Every Destination Listed Anywhere on the Wiki is collected on this one page, grouped geographically. Use the links below to jump to specific locations on that page.
4.1 Destinations within the Four DFW Counties
4.2 Destinations within 2 Hours of DFW
4.3 Destinations between 2-5 Hours from DFW
4.4 Destinations between 5-10 Hours from DFW
4.5 Destinations More than 10 Hours from DFW
5 Program Content
- Activities that can be used during campouts and troop meetings. Most of this wiki is about where to go for an activity. This page is about what to do for an activity
- Rope: Knots and Lashings. Many of the best team-building activities require a knowledge of basic knots and lashings. This page organizes resources for learning and teaching this subject.
- Plant Identification for Dallas-Fort Worth. Identifying local plants depends on where you live, just like the question of where to go camping. This page is dedicated to Tenderfoot requirement 4(b) relating to poisonous plants and First Class requirement 5(a) relating to plant identification specifically in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
6 Other Scouting Resources
- Official Scouting Resources that address:
- Program Planning. The whole point of this wiki is to be a resource where Scouts in Dallas-Fort Worth can easily figure out their options during the planning process described in these links.
- Advancement Requirements for ranks and merit badges;
- Training Resources for adult and youth leaders;
- Where to put patches on the Scout Uniform; and
- Safety including the Guide to Safe Scouting. For Scouts, this is the rulebook. For others, the Guide to Safe Scouting is worth consulting as the accumulated wisdom of a lot of people with a lot of experience about how to be safe outdoors.
7 Contributing to the Wiki
- Getting Started. How do I sign up and start adding content to the wiki?
- Quick Reference. Brief simple instructions for contributing to the wiki.
- Advanced Reference. In depth reference material for the curious. (NOT required).
To sign up to contribute, or to report broken links or other issues, email the Wiki Administrator.