Murrell Park

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Wiki Home Page > Murrell Park

1 Access

  • Location: About 8 miles north of DFW Airport, in Flower Mound on the north shore of Lake Grapevine.
  • On-site contact: 817-865-2600 (Corps office, not on-site)

2 Discussion

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  • Murrell Park is a very large park on the north side of Lake Grapevine. It is large enough to visit more than once without feeling that you have already been there before. Wherever you camp, cars can be parked close by. But this is better than a state park where you would park in a slot and camp next to the car. Here the campsites are usually near the lake, a short walk from the road, with cars all parked together in a nearby lot. The park is large enough that in many places it is easy to forget that development has come up to the edges of the park.
  • Murrell Park is located along a portion of the 8 mile long Rockledge Trail or North Shore Trail. Many people who live near the park use this trail for a daily run or mountain bike ride. The trail is a DORBA] trail). And the lake itself is a busy place during the warm season. So you will not be isolated in your own little group.
  • Murrell Park feels like a reasonably spacious community park with wooded (not wilderness) camping along the lakeside trail.

Note: Much has changed at Murrell Park in recent years, and this information is somewhat dated, and may no longer be entirely accurate.

3 Pictures

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4 Resources

  • Ten-day weather forecast: 75022
  • On-site ranger:
  • Local law enforcement: Flower Mound Police Department, 911
  • Nearest emergency care and hospital:

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